Chris Howard’s class will keep you riveted. You will learn the history of this mistreated and misunderstood approach to healing and change. Chris’s approach to teaching is sophisticated and in-depth, and will focus you as you embrace these concepts into every fiber of your being. You will find yourself chomping at the bit to use them on family, friends, and potentially for your own career. It is quite amazing how intuitive Chris is as a teacher. He uses the intersection of various teachings so that you learn quickly and on every level. His experience is extensive, both as a teacher and a practitioner, and he shares his insights with great generosity. He is knowledgeable well beyond this subject, and speaks beautifully on literature, spirituality, philosophy, business, and the brain. If you are looking for insight, empowerment, depth of understanding of self, a way to transform, these techniques are incredible and go well beyond the ordinary.